Kids General Oral Hygiene

0-6 months - Use a clean cloth or gauze to wipe the baby gums and tongue.

6 months - 18 months use a soft, child-sized toothbrush or a clean, damp washcloth to gently clean the teeth and gums.

18 months - 3years Continue daily brushing of baby teeth in the morning and at night, before bedtime. Use a small “a portion of a size of a grain” of fluoride toothpaste on the brush as soon as the child is able to spit out.

3-6 years - Brushing your child teeth with a “pea sized ” fluoridated tooth brush and ask the child to spit out.

Step 1
Take a piece of floss about as long as your child's arm. Wrap it around your middle fingers, leaving about 2 inches between the hands. Use your index fingers to guide the floss between the teeth.

Step 2
Slide the floss between the teeth and wrap it into a "C" shape. It should wrap around the base of the tooth, where the tooth meets the gum.

Step 3
Wipe the tooth from bottom to top 2 or 3 times or more, until it is squeaky clean. Be sure you floss both sides of each tooth, and don't forget the backs of the last molars. Move to a new part of the floss as you move from tooth to tooth.

Fluoride varnish or gel is a gel that sets quickly when applied to the teeth using soft brush. It gives protection against tooth decay.

The sealant are resin coatings that forms a protective layer and keeps food and bacteria from getting stuck in tiny grooves in the teeth.It protects the newly erupted teeth from decay.

Dental sealants should be applied early as possible after the eruption of primary and permanent molars.

Mouth wash is recommended for children over 6 years under adult supervision.
By this age most kids have reflexes to be able to spit and not swallow the mouthwash.
Mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing .Brushing is mandatory to maintain oral health.